Your browser does not support JavaScript!Appeal Success! Listed Building Consent - Harlingford Hotel, Cartwright Gardens, Kings Cross

Appeal Success! Listed Building Consent – Harlingford Hotel, Cartwright Gardens, Kings Cross

We are delighted to have successfully appealed against Camden Councils decision to not grant listed building consent and planning permission for the Harlingford Hotel. This important addition to the hotel enhances its viability, ensures it is accessible to the elderly, those with mobility challenges and visitors carrying luggage up 4-5 flights of Georgian stairs.

Appeal Success! Listed Building Consent – Harlingford Hotel, Cartwright Gardens, Kings Cross

We are delighted to have successfully appealed against Camden Councils decision to not grant listed building consent and planning permission for the Harlingford Hotel. This important addition to the hotel enhances its viability, ensures it is accessible to the elderly, those with mobility challenges and visitors carrying luggage up 4-5 flights of Georgian stairs.