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Appeal success against Harrow Council

We are delighted to have won an Appeal for our Client in respect of their property in Harrow seeking change of use to comprise facilities accommodating the Hindu faith. The property has been the subject of a multi-pronged planning strategy and this was the definitive decision following approvals for various other proposals won by us on the same site but not involving change of use. The Appeal was successful in the face of comprehensive opposition from councillors, the Case Officer and their Team Lead. We typically build, foster and maintain positive relationships with local authorities, however this proved a unusually challenging case and also involved no less than four Case Officers, unwarranted and vehement opposition from local community groups, multiple call-ins to committee among other stories - our client relied on us to support and spearhead the project from start to finish. Works commence on site 2024.

Appeal success against Harrow Council

We are delighted to have won an Appeal for our Client in respect of their property in Harrow seeking change of use to comprise facilities accommodating the Hindu faith. The property has been the subject of a multi-pronged planning strategy and this was the definitive decision following approvals for various other proposals won by us on the same site but not involving change of use. The Appeal was successful in the face of comprehensive opposition from councillors, the Case Officer and their Team Lead. We typically build, foster and maintain positive relationships with local authorities, however this proved a unusually challenging case and also involved no less than four Case Officers, unwarranted and vehement opposition from local community groups, multiple call-ins to committee among other stories – our client relied on us to support and spearhead the project from start to finish. Works commence on site 2024.